Guide To Fr eezing Yogurt

Freezing yogurt can be an economical choice you can make to save money. Dairy products like yogurt tend to spoil relatively quickly. Freezing yogurt allows the consumer to extend the life of yogurt well beyond the printed container date. However, freezing yogurt is not always the best option. In most cases it is best to eat it fresh.

Problems With Freezing Yogurt

Let's start with the bad news about freezing yogurt. Yogurt is not ideal to freeze because when you thaw it, it the texture can be somewhat destroyed. Often you will experience a watery texture separated from the thicker yogurt like portion. This is the curds moving from the whey because of the freezer damage to the texture. Many people mix the yogurt and are Okay with the resulting texture after it thaws. Others do not care for the texture and can only eat the yogurt if it is mixed into many other ingredients. This is something you will need to test before committing to freezing yogurt in very large batches. 

Best Ways To Freeze Yogurt

Before you jump too quickly into freezing yogurt, remember that yogurt will likely will be good to eat at least 7 days beyond the printed date on the package. Additionally, if the product was never opened, it will likely be good for 10-14 days beyond the printed date. Obviously, use your discretion when consuming yogurt beyond the printed date. Any signs of spoilage and the product should be discarded.

Yogurt can be frozen in its original cntainer. The original container often provides enough space for expansion and proper freezing. You should place the container in a freezer bag if the product has already been opened prior to freeze. This will provide an extra layer of protection. As an alternative, you can pour the yogurt into a freezer save plastic container that seals tightly.

How Long To Freeze Yogurt

Yogurt can freeze up to six months. However, remember that the sooner you can thaw and consume the yogurt the better. The longer the yogurt rests in the freezer, the greater the exposure to the not so forgiven freezer. Things like frost bite can occur which will totally destroy your yogurt. Limiting the yogurt's freezer time to one month is ideal.

How To Thaw

Thawing yogurt is just a matter of placing it in the refrigerator until completely thawed. Do not leave yogurt above 40°F for over two hours to avoid bacteria accumulation. Eat the thawed yogurt within a couple of days of thaw.